The Accountant's dilemma every year when audit season comes is the extraction of the detailed schedule of accounts.
For example: To get the schedule of "Representation Expense", we need to extract each schedule per department; as follows:
Representation-Mother Account - 100,000 (one excel file extraction)
Representation-Accounting Department - 200,000 (one excel file extraction)
Representation-Human Resources Office - 150,000 (one excel file extraction)
and so on....
And this is for EVERY SINGLE ACCOUNT included in our CHART OF ACCOUNTS. Imagine submitting a schedule to the External Auditor with 1,000 or more excel files attached to it?
And can you imagine how long does it take to extract and open those files?
I hope everyone here will support me to add a feature/module that will helps us to extract "audited accounts schedules" without paying for "Request for Customization" (RFC). Nonetheless, Bizbox has already a "script" to extract those but not incorporated in this system, so I think adding this feature is not a big concern from their end.
This feature is very fundamental for all accountants and a basic requirement for audit. So I hope Bizbox will do something about this.
We should not suffer and pay for this "BASIC" function that a Financial Management System SHOULD HAVE.
Thanks and best regards,
Accounting, Budget, Credit & Collection Officer