Dear Valued Clients,
We would like to remind our valued clients of the various support channels available for reaching the Bizbox Support team and accessing a wealth of documentation and related resources to gather information about BizBox products. These channels are designed to provide comprehensive resources for connecting with our Helpdesk team and achieving seamless and efficient solutions for all your queries.
Additionally, we are excited to introduce our latest support feature, the Bizbox Chatbot. This chatbot is specifically designed to offer swift and efficient solutions to a variety of queries. It even allows direct communication with our Helpdesk representatives for a more personalized and human touch experience.
You can access these various support channels through the following:
1. BizBox ChatBot integrated to WhatsApp
2. BizBox Helpdesk Portal
3. Social Media Pages (Facebook Group, Page and Community Group Chats)
4. BizBox Website
Visit BizBox website to explore our services and product offerings and learn more about BizBox at
5. eMails
Explore the following email addresses to ensure your inquiries are directed to the right department:
Use this email for sending ticket support or related assistance inquiries.
Reach out to this email for marketing-related queries and other general matters.
Direct finance and billing-related inquiries to this email for prompt assistance.
Your satisfaction is our priority at BizBox Helpdesk Support.