June 05, 2024 | Disabling of Reconciliation Module in the HCI Portal

June 05, 2024 | Disabling of Reconciliation Module in the HCI Portal

Dear eClaims Users,

This is to inform you, especially those who regularly use the RSM or Reconciliation Module in the HCI Portal, that as per PhilHealth Advisory 2024-0024, the Reconciliation Module feature is temporarily disabled. This is to facilitate the ongoing reconciliation efforts by the Regional Offices.

In the meantime, our valued clients will also lose access to review the successful submission of certain claims that have encountered unusual issues or error messages during your submissions. Please bear with us as the RSM will be temporarily unavailable.

A separate advisory will be released to inform you about the reactivation or access to the feature.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,

BizBox, Inc. 

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