JUNE 23 2023 Beacon Connectivity Graph Issue

JUNE 23 2023 Beacon Connectivity Graph Issue

To our valued eClaims Portal users,

We have recently become aware of an issue regarding the unresponsiveness of the BizBox Connectivity graph displaying the status of Beacon and Philhealth connectivity. Despite both Beacon and Philhealth connections being healthy, online, and active, no activity is reflected in the graph.

We have promptly escalated this issue to our dedicated development team, who are currently investigating the matter to provide an immediate resolution. To ensure that our valued clients do not encounter any further confusion, we kindly request that you disregard the current graph as a reference for Beacon and Philhealth connectivity status. If our team determines that temporary disabling of this feature is necessary, we will promptly inform you.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and assure you that our team is working diligently to rectify the situation. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team who will be happy to assist you.