JUNE 24, 2021 | PHIC Circular 2021-0007 and 2021-0008

JUNE 24, 2021 | PHIC Circular 2021-0007 and 2021-0008

To all eClaims users,

We have recently received PhilHealth's new circulars, Circular 2021-0007 and Circular 2021-0008.

The packages listed in the circulars were referred to the PhilHealth Central Office for review as there are no corresponding Case Rate codes for these new COVID packages in the PhilHealth eClaims Webservice. We are currently awaiting guidance from their office on the next steps so that we can provide instructions or make necessary adjustments.

Updates will be posted here once available.

You may also refer to the links posted below for the mentioned circulars:

Thank you very much.