OCTOBER 17, 2023 | Efficient Claims Statutory Management: Leveraging Beacon and HIS Tools

OCTOBER 17, 2023 | Efficient Claims Statutory Management: Leveraging Beacon and HIS Tools

To our eClaims users,

To ensure our clients are well-informed about adhering to claims' statutory periods, it is essential to emphasize the significance of submitting claims within the initial 60-day statutory window. Additionally, we would like to highlight the valuable features available within our Beacon and PIS system that can assist our eClaims users in proactively managing and staying alerted to submission deadlines.

1. Aging of Claims in Beacon: Within the eClaims module of Beacon, there is a dedicated column that allows clients to visually track and stay alert to the number of days a specific claim has been in the system. This aging indicator is triggered by the discharge date, making it easier for clients to monitor the progress of each claim.

2. eMail Notifications in Beacon: The Beacon system also offers an email notification feature. When activated, clients and users will receive email notifications two weeks prior to a claim's expiration. This ample lead time ensures that claims can be adequately prepared and submitted before the due date arrives.

3. PhilHealth Claims Monitoring Report (Aging) in PIS - For PIS users, there is an existing report that allows clients to quickly assess the status of claims based on their chosen filter preferences, simplifying the process of monitoring claims' progress at a glance.

4. Claims Statutory Period Excel Tracker - Some of our valued clients have devised a straightforward tracking tool using an Excel file to monitor the statutory periods of claims. In this file, they highlight the statutory windows of 60 days and 120 days based on the discharge date. It serves as a convenient reference for end-users, serving as a reminder of when specific discharge dates fall within the statutory periods.

These features represent crucial tools that are readily available to our clients, offering them proactive alerts and guidance to facilitate timely claim submissions. The benefits are twofold:

Preventing Denied Claims: By utilizing these features, clients significantly reduce the risk of having claims denied due to late submission. Denials often lead to prolonged processing times and, in unfortunate cases, the potential for claims to remain unpaid.

Faster Payments: Timely submissions also mean expedited processing and quicker payment. Clients who make the most of these features are more likely to receive payments without undue delays.

We strongly encourage our clients to take full advantage of these valuable tools to enhance their claims management processes. By using these features and strategies, you can proactively ensure timely submissions, reduce the risk of denied claims, and expedite payments.

Bizbox Team