Based on the PhilHealth Circular No. 2020-0021, Accreditation of Health Care Providers for the PhilHealth Konsultasyong Sulit at Tama (PhilHealth eKonsulta) Package, the Universal Act was enacted to ensure that all Filipinos are granted immediate eligibility and access to quality health care services. For this reason, PhilHealth commits to expanding the Primary Care Benefit (PCB) Package, thus, the PhilHealth eKonsulta Package was developed.
The Bizbox eKonsulta is in an ongoing development and will soon be submitted for PhilHealth accreditation. To finalize and complete the necessary development, we continue to participate in seminars and coordinate closely with the PhilHealth Central Office.
Our team will announce the completion of additional enhancements and the PhilHealth accreditation after we have attained both. In the interim, we recommend requesting the eKonsulta Interim Solution from PhilHealth so that your facility can begin processing eKonsulta transactions in order to avoid future backlogs.
While waiting for the Bizbox eKonsulta, please refer to the guidelines below in applying for Accreditation as a PhilHealth Konsulta Provider.
1. Interested health facilities shall:
a. Follow the prescribed accreditation process in Annex C of PhilHealth Circular No. 2020-0021. You may refer to this link: Procedures And Documentary Requirements For Accreditation
b. Submit all the requirements for Accreditation of PhilHealth Konsulta provider to the LHIO nearest to the facility.
2. Non-licensed health facilities, including previously accredited PCB and EPCB providers, may apply for accreditation provided:
a. The facility shall undertake a self-assessment and complete the following documents to determine their compliance with the standards for accreditation.
· Annex B - Self-Assessment/ Accreditation Survey Tool for PhilHealth Konsulta Provider – request this tool to your LHIO
· B1 - Health Human Resource Survey Tool for PhilHealth Konsulta Provider
· B2 - Checklist Of PhilHealth Konsulta Drugs And Its Preparation
· B3 - Checklist Of PhilHealth Konsulta Laboratories and Diagnostic Services
3. All PhilHealth Konsulta Providers must sign and submit a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) to PhilHealth : Annex E - Non‐Disclosure Agreement
4. Only health facilities fully compliant with the standards shall be given accreditation.
5. As an interim measure during pandemics and other disasters, PROs shall be granted the ability to require providers seeking accreditation to submit photos, videos, and/or other documents to support their application as an alternative measure to conducting physical facility visits. In addition, if technology permits, PROs may make use of video conferencing tools to conduct virtual facility visits.
Once accredited, a Konsulta provider with a license to operate from the DOH, as a PCF, may be granted a maximum of 3 years of accreditation. While a non-licensed Konsulta provider shall be granted a maximum of 1-year accreditation only.