We are delighted to share with you a set of new features and a list of fixes that we have in store for the May 2024 official release. With the improved quality and enhanced options, you can now experience a better Hospital Information System 8.

The list includes significant new features and fixes that we have been working on for the past few months since our last update, the March 2024 release ( We have also made some feature improvements to the Hospital Information System 8.

Before you run the new update, we highly recommend that you take the following steps to get the best result:

1. Please note that it is important to disconnect all workstations from the main server before performing an Exe update. Connected workstations while updating may result in incomplete database structure updates, such as new columns, views, functions, stored procedures, and the like, which can result in more errors.
2. Prepare the database by running the re-index script, especially for those who are still using R25 and the earlier R26 versions (no need for those running the IndexOptimize job). It is also advisable to run the shrinking log files script for those who have huge volumes of database files.
3. For those who have not been updated in a long while, you must first execute all the previously released versions that came after your current version before performing the update to the latest version. This will ensure that you never miss any of the previous structure updates. We can also avoid any time-out expired validation during the update. Please check the table below for your reference.
4. Please be reminded to secure a backup of reports before performing any Report Deployer update. It is mandatory to rename your RDL files every time you modify them (including the name of their views, stored procedures, and functions if these files were also altered). This is to assure users that any modifications made will still be intact after the update.

Here is the list of New Features (


Case Investigation Form - Measles-Rubella

Introduced the latest report titled 'Case Investigation Form - Measles-Rubella' found in Inpatients > Sub-components > View Case Investigation form

Sample report Form

Sample report Preview

Case Investigation Form Pertussis

Introduced the latest report titled ' Case Investigation Form - Pertussis ' found in Inpatients

> Sub-components > View Case Investigation form

Sample report form

Sample report Preview

Case Investigation Form - Meningococcal Disease

Introduced the latest report titled 'Case Investigation Form - Meningococcal Disease' found in Inpatients > Sub-components > View Case Investigation form

Sample Report Form

Sample report Preview

Case Investigation Form - Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease and Severe Enteroviral Disease

Introduced the latest report titled ' Case Investigation Form - Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease and Severe Enteroviral Disease ' found in Inpatients > Sub-components > View Case Investigation form

Sample report Form

Sample report Preview

Case Investigation Form AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunization)

Introduced the latest report titled 'Case Investigation Form - AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunization)' found in ER/OPD/IPD > Sub-components > View Case Investigation form

Sample Report Format:

Case Investigation Form Anthrax

Introduced the latest report titled 'Case Investigation Form - Anthrax' found in ER/OPD/IPD

> Sub-components > View Case Investigation form

Sample Report Format:

Case Investigation Form Rabies

Introduced the latest report titled 'Case Investigation Form - Rabies' found in ER/OPD/IPD > Sub-components > View Case Investigation form

Sample Report Format:

Case Investigation Form Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning

Introduced the latest report titled 'Case Investigation Form - Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning' found in ER/OPD/IPD > Sub-components > View Case Investigation form

Sample Report Format:

Case Investigation Form - Neonatal Tetanus

Introduced the latest report titled 'Case Investigation Form - Neonatal Tetanus' found in ER/OPD/IPD > Sub-components > View Case Investigation form

Sample Report Format

Case Investigation Form - Chikungunya Virus Disease

Introduced the latest report titled 'Case Investigation Form - Chikungunya Virus Disease' found in ER/OPD/IPD > Sub-components > View Case Investigation form

Sample Report Format

Case Investigation Form - Diphtheria

Introduced the latest report titled 'Case Investigation Form - Diphtheria' found in ER/OPD/IPD > Sub-components > View Case Investigation form

Sample Report Format

Admitting Logbook Report

Added new report found in Report Manager module, this feature enables users to conveniently view all admitted patients based on a date filter.

Sample report Preview

QMU Integration - Sync Address upon registration

Add enhancement when saving registration with address, it will sync in QMeUp.

  1. Add address upon registration

  1. Once synced in Qmeup

Examination Upshots - Apply Digital Signatures to Med Tech and Rad Tech

Digital Signatures for Med Tech and Rad Tech is now available.

Required Setup: Automatically Set Current User as Med Tec and Rad Tech During Manage Examination = Yes

Edit User in System Users and add Digital Signature

On Manage Examination, the Digital Signature is now available on Signatories.

Sub-Feature include auto assigning of Current User as Med Tech and Rad Tech in Signatories Required Setup: Automatically Set Current User as Med Tech and Rad Tech During Manage Examination = Yes

Med Tech and Rad Tech can still be changed on user preferences.

Current User is automatically captured as Rad Tech.

Emergency - ESI Classification Build Up and Fields

Add a buildup in the emergency module under Table and Templates, as well as dropdown values in the registry details.

  1. New build up in Emergency module under Table and Templates

  1. Add new dropdown field in Registry details

Post Final Diagnosis Set Maximum Characters

This feature conveniently sets the character limit to 500 for encoding at the Post Final Diagnosis stage.

  1. System Output:

ER/OPD/IPD Promissory Note Color Indicator

This feature adds a Color Indicator for Promissory Note after Posting the Promissory Note

Required Setup:

Add a Color Code for the Promissory Note in HMOs/Guarantor > Customer Type

Sample Output:

ER/OPD May Go Home Date and Time

This feature adds the May Go Home Date and Time Field in Registry Information. Required Setup:

  • Enable Outpatient and Emergency Registry May Go Home Date/Time
    • Default Values = No
    • Available Values = Yes and No Sample Output:

 The MGH Date and Time will be editable in ER and OPD if the Patient Registry Status is Discharged.

Mandatory Case Investigation Form Values

This feature will mandate all the values in CIF so the users will not miss any important data that they must input in the form.

Required Setup:

  • Activate Mandatory Encoding of Case Investigation Form Values
    • Default Values = No
    • Available Values = Yes and No

Sample Output:

ncillary - Quotation for Item and Services

This Feature enables the Ancillary Department to print a Quotation Slip

  1. Required Setup
    • Enable Quotation Slip Generation in Ancillary Module
      • Default Value = No
      • Value Yes and No

  1. Once the Setup is enabled the Request for Quotation under Processing Queries will be available. User can now add Request for Quotation

Image 1 Request for Quotation multi department item selection window

Image 2 Print Quotation Slip

(Sample Report Format)


Print Claims Forms - Clinical Abstract Continuous Printing

This feature allows users to seamlessly print the second page of the Clinical Abstract for patients with more than 14 medications, eliminating multiple pop-ups during the preview process.

  1. Required Setup: Activate Clinical Abstract Continuous Printing

Note: Once this feature is enabled, it will require modification of the current RDL.

  1. System Output:

Claim Form 4 Course in the ward.

This feature automatically arranges the Course in the Ward Date from the oldest to the most recent.

  1. System Output:


Job Order - Enhancement on Invoice Number and Invoice Date

This Feature enables user to input Invoice Number and Input Invoice Date to PO Jobs Orders in Purchase Order module.

  1. Required Setup: Enable Processing Job Order

Image 1 Invoice No. and Invoice Date PO Job Order extracted from PR Job Order

Image 2 Invoice No. and Invoice Date Direct PO Job Order


Report for “PF Ageing”

This feature aims to provide a Report Holder for generating a PF Ageing report for transactions from HMOs.

  1. System Output Report Manager

  1. Report Option Parameters
    1. As of Date Date format
    2. Registry Type -Can be enabled or disabled -Outpatient, Inpatient and Emergency ONLY
    3. Customer Name Can be enabled or disabled

  1. Report Customer Name enabled

4. Report Patient Registry type enabled – Inpatient

Report Patient Registry type and Customer Name enabled – Inpatient

5. Report Patient Registry type enabled – Outpatient

Report Patient Registry type and Customer Name enabled – Outpatient
6. Report Patient Registry type enabled – Emergency

Report Patient Registry type and Customer Name enabled Emergency

Enhancement on Readers Fee Adjustment Entries

This feature is an enhancement to the Readers Fee Adjustment entry, addressing its interaction with the Credit Note situation occurring in the HIS Patient Cycle.

  1. Scenario: Post Charge Exam qty 3, Then Tagged the reader in the Examination Upshot Next Credit Note 2 Exam using Apply Credit Note in Ancillary Services Module lastly Credit Note 1 Exam to finally return all Exam Charge

Image 1 Post Charge

Image 2 Apply Readers fee in Examination Upshot

Image 3 Credit note 2qty Exam - Apply Credit Note

Image 4 Credit note remaining qty Exam - Apply Credit Note

  1. Scenario: Post Charge Exam qty 3, Then Tagged the reader in the Examination Upshot Next Credit Note 2 Exam using Centralized Credit Note in Ancillary Services Module lastly Credit Note 1 Exam to finally return all Exam Charge

Image 1 Post Charge

Image 2 Apply Readers fee in Examination Upshot

Image 3 Credit note 2qty Exam - Centralized Credit Note

Image 4 Credit note remaining qty Exam - Centralized Credit Note

  1. Scenario: Post Charge Exam qty 3, Then Credit Note 2 Exam using Apply Credit Note in Ancillary Services Module lastly Tagged the reader in the Examination Upshot

Image 1 Post Charge

Image 2 Credit note 2qty Exam - Apply Credit Note

Image 3 Apply Readers fee in Examination Upshot

  1. Scenario: Post Charge Exam qty 3, Then Credit Note 2 Exam using Centralized Credit Note in Ancillary Services Module lastly Tagged the reader in the Examination Upshot

Image 1 Post Charge

Image 2 Credit note 2qty Exam Centralized Credit Note

Here is the list of Fixes (

Post Final Diagnosis - The "password authentication entry" window appears when clicking the "post" tab, even if no final diagnosis has been added

Ensure that the 'post' tab is enabled only once a final diagnosis has been added

Item Units - The new column for 'PK_mscEsoaItems' is now visible in the item units' window

Fixed the visibility of the 'PK_mscEsoaItems' column in the item units window


Users can now proceed to print the CF3/CF4 of the patient in HIS even without enabling or inputting the date.

Route and Frequency using Item Template

Fix the issue where the Route and Frequency where not captured when using Item Template

Tagging of MGH for Readmitted Patient

Fix the issue where the Re-admitted Patient cannot be seen on MGH Clearance Alert after tagging the Patient as for MGH Clearance

Annual Hospital Statistical Report - Online - Saving 0 Number of Deliveries

Fix the Error when saving the Annual Hospital Statistical Report with 0 Number of Deliveries

QMU Integration - Patient Module - Add API upon saving of patient profile to sync in QMU record

Enhancement: When saving a patient profile in the patient module, sync the details to QMU.

EHR Integration - Re-register to EHR - Add system alert after clicking

Add the system when you click the Re-register to EHR button again.

EHR Integration - Blank description of item if the post charges are from HIS

Fix the issue of blank description of items in EHR Patient Executive Summary.

Report Manager - Enhancement for Fetal Death Certificate method of delivery

Fixed the issue where the method of delivery dropdown list did not include an 'Other' option.

Exam Result - Apply \.br\ Tags for Exam Results

\.br\ Tags used for line breaks in Examination Upshots results is now fixed and working.

Global Settings & Setup and Options - Position and Setup Description update

User Position is renamed from Radiologist to Radiographer to Radiologic Technologist. Setup and Options description is also renamed to: Automatically Set Current User as Med Tec and Rad Tech During Manage Examination


Outright Deductions - Upload Eclaims - There is a warning message "No eSOA XML" upon uploading

The warning message "NO eSOA XML uploaded" has been resolved during the process of uploading eClaims.


Purchase Orders - An error occurred during the saving process due to the exact same item being included as both a purchase requisition and as free goods

Fixed the error that occurred during the saving process, which stemmed from the inclusion of the exact same item as both a purchase requisition and as free goods

Group Asset Transfer - The 'select all' checkbox did not automatically reset to unchecked upon clicking the 'apply filter preferences' tab

Fixed the functionality of the 'select all' checkbox so that it resets to an unchecked state upon clicking the 'apply filter preferences' tab.

Stock Issuances - When the 'Enable Expiry Date, Lot No., and PO No. Columns in Issuances' is set to Yes, the PO No. column is not visible in the stock issuances module

Fixed the availability of the "PO No." column in the stock issuances module when the option 'Enable Expiry Date, Lot No, and PO Number Columns in Issuances' is set to Yes


Post Guaranteed PF payable- The new credit card name does not appear under the customer's name

Fix the issue through an enhancement ensuring that the new credit card name will appear

under the customer’s name

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