We are delighted to share with you a set of new features and a list of fixes that we have in store for the June 2024 official release. With the improved quality and enhanced options, you can now experience a better Hospital Information System 8.

The list includes significant new features and fixes that we have been working on for the past few months since our last update, the May 2024 release (

We have also made some feature improvements to the Hospital Information System 8.

Before you run the new update, we highly recommend that you take the following steps to get the best result:

  1. Please note that it is important to disconnect all workstations from the main server before performing an Exe update. Connected workstations while updating may result in incomplete database structure updates, such as new columns, views, functions, stored procedures, and the like, which can result in more errors.
  2. Prepare the database by running the re-index script, especially for those who are still using R25 and the earlier R26 versions (no need for those running the IndexOptimize job). It is also advisable to run the shrinking log files script for those who have huge volumes of database files.
  3. For those who have not been updated in a long while, you must first execute all the previously released versions that came after your current version before performing the update to the latest version. This will ensure that you never miss any of the previous structure updates. We can also avoid any time-out expired validation during the update. Please check the table below for your reference.

  1. Please be reminded to secure a backup of reports before performing any Report Deployer update. It is mandatory to rename your RDL files every time you modify them (including the name of their views, stored procedures, and functions if these files were also altered). This is to assure users that any modifications made will still be intact after the update.

Here is the list of New Features (


Case Investigation Form – MERS-COV

Introduced the latest report titled 'Case Investigation Form – MERS-COV' found in ER/OPD/IPD > Sub-components > View Case Investigation form

Sample Report Format:

Discount Scheme Access in Post Charges

Add a new User Settings to enable or disable the access on changing the Discount Scheme in ER and OPD upon Post Charge

  1. Required Setup: Enable user to change discount scheme in ER and OPD for post charging


2. Once the User Settings is disabled the Discount Scheme in Post Charges for ER and OPD will be disabled

Patient Length of Stay Tracking

This feature will allow the Users to track the Patient Length of Stay at a particular Station or Department

  1. Required Setup: Enable Inpatient Tracking of Patient Length of

  1. Department Settings = Enable this Department for Forwarding and Receiving in Patient Length of Stay Tracking
  1. Once the Setup is enabled there are Sub modules that will be enabled

A. Inpatient Modules Patient Length of Stay

  • In this Modules, the User can track the Length of Stay of the Patient at a particular Station or Department and can also print a Report for the Summary of Patients Leng

  1. Nursing Services – Forwarding Department

o This will be the module where the user can forward the Patient to a specific Station where the Patients next transaction will be processed

  1. Ancillary Department Receiving Department
    • This module will receive the Patient to process the required Transactions, this will be also the module that the user can end the Session when the Patient Transactions is already done in that Department

Diagnostic Medical Package as Requisition Change Order

This feature allows the user to post diagnostic medical package as requisition

  1. Required Setup:
    1. Diagnostic Medical Package Option

    1. Enforce Mandatory Encoding of Frequency and Route in DX Medical Package

    1. Enforce Validation of Inventory with Zero Balance
  1. Once the Setup Diagnostic Medical Package Option is set to Requisition
  • Items and Services > Dx Medical Package - A new option on build up is now added where the user can now add a replacement item
  • Note that Replacement Price and Qty should be equal also to the primary item

  1. A new trigger for auto render is added in Hospital Transaction Types
  • When auto render is check, Posting Diagnostic Package will now automatically charge to patient
  • When auto render is unchecked, Posting Diagnostic Package will be as requisition

  1. Posting Diagnostic Medical Package will now prompt the user this alert

  1. Ancillary Services Render Requisition
  • If one of the items has no inventory balance, replace button is open for no inventory and with inventory

  1. An indicator in the Ancillary module that allows the transaction to be marked as served (isrendered checkbox).


Disbursement - Add APV Document Number in BIR Processing

This feature allows processing the BIR with the same document number but different ATC codes without losing the transaction.

 Image 1: Shows that the 2 different ATC with the same documents Number

Image 2: Select one transaction without losing the transaction

Image 3: The same document number can display two different ATC codes after saving.

Here is the list of Fixes (

Medical Package Auto Request (Allow Multiple Department in One Item)

Fix the Issue where the User cannot finalize the Package if the Patient has Pending Requisition that is not part of the Package.

Incorrect Render Date of Charges after Credit Note

Fix the issue where the Render Date of the Charges will be updated to the Credit Note Date.

Cash Receipt Credit Note Items still reflects in Cash Receipt

Fix the issue where the Credit Notes Items with Senior Citizen Discount and VAT still reflects in the Cash Receipt Module.

Cash Receipt Unable to apply Payment to Instrument Fee

Fix the issue where Instrument Fee cannot be applied in Cash Receipt if the Instrument Fee was with Unposted AR.

ER/OPD - Error upon Apply Credit Note on Ordinary User

Fix the issue where an Error will appear when Applying Credit Note on Ordinary User that does not have access on Ancillary Service Income Center.

Audit Trail Cannot locate Audit Trail Report in Manage Report Settings

Fix the issue where the Audit Trail Report cannot be found in the Report Settings.

Inpatients Missing ER Case Date after Admit Registry Account

Fix the issue where the ER Case Date was not captured in Inpatients after Admit Registry Account.

Ancillary Services Edit Price Scheme dropdown is missing

Fix the issue where the Price Scheme column cannot be edited, and the dropdown menu does not appear after selecting the patient.

QMU Integration - Straight registration using email checkbox

Fix the issue so that the email address is generated correctly when the email address is entered first and the email checkbox is checked.

QMU Integration - Register and Add Patient to Qmeup date should be date today

Enhance the date in Register and Add Patient to QMeUp to date today.


Stock Issuances - The selected item/transaction from the 'dangerous drugs' list was not automatically removed from the 'Stock Requisition Line Items'

Ensure that if the 'dangerous drugs?' checkbox is unchecked, selecting the 'Yes' tab automatically removes the corresponding item/transaction from the 'Stock requisition line items' list.

Expense Requisitions/Issuances - The "expiration date" column automatically displays today's date upon rendering

Ensure that the "expiration date" column does not automatically display today's date upon rendering.

Material Productions - An error occurs when clicking the 'Add' tab without assigning a target department

Ensure that the notification "Department is required" is displayed instead of the error message.

Asset Management-There is a system alert when posting new purchase asset when the date is beyond end of the month, and posting by the end of the month will proceed the posting when the book is already closed

Fix the issue with posting new purchased assets when the date is beyond the end of the month has been resolved. Now, postings will proceed at the end of the month based on the placed-in-service date, even if the book is closed.


Petty Cash Vouchers - When selecting all, the unfiltered batch number continues to be posted

Ensure that when selecting "all," you refrain from posting the unfiltered batch number

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